

Condemn Israel’s large-scale airstrikes, ground incursions, blockades, and other barbaric acts in defiance of international law in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian territories


On October 27, the UN General Assembly convened an emergency special session on the situation in the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian territories and adopted a draft resolution calling for an immediate and lasting humanitarian ceasefire that would lead to a cessation of hostilities, with 121 countries in favour. While the UN Security Council was bogged down by a veto by the permanent members, the resolution, led by Arab and Asian countries, included the protection of all civilians under international humanitarian law, the revocation of orders for the evacuation of civilians from northern Gaza to the south, and the immediate release of hostages.


In the Gaza Strip, Israel’s merciless large-scale airstrikes on civilians continue, and civilian casualties are reported every day. Not only is it a catastrophic humanitarian situation, with civilians in the Gaza Strip with nowhere to escape and food, water, and medical care cut off, but Israel has also blocked the delivery of aid and massacre civilians endlessly, including bombing hospitals. They are committing barbaric acts that cannot be tolerated under international law or humanitarian terms.


The Community Union Tokyo Santama Council fully supports the UN General Assembly resolution and believes that the citizens of the world and Japan who wish for peace should unite and act to raise international public opinion for an immediate ceasefire in order to stop the genocide of civilians in Israel’s Gaza Strip as soon as possible. To that end, I believe that the Government of Japan should stop following the United States and make every possible diplomatic effort to realize peace.



November 1, 2023

Community Union Tokyo Santama Council